Comitato Territoriale

Cirie Settimo Chivasso

ARIES Project

-Against Racism In Europe throug Sport-

"ARIES Project" means a football, a dunk, a racket or a "checkmate" to racism...18 months of sport to tackle discrimination and inequality, 18 months of sports in difficult and disadvantaged areas of Europe, 18 months of sport in multiethnic areas in which you try to build the foundations of European democracy and rights-based. Here is the exciting challenge of the creators and organizers of the "Aries"; create unity among the peoples, to combat stereotypes and prejudices, reject violence to replace it with the pure competitive spirit. Sport can be synonymous with prevention: a defense against physical ailments but also a shield against the most terrible scourge of mankind: racism. We do sports to strengthen the body and mind ... you can practice sports to enhance the closeness between peoples. A website explaining the project, a Fansclub on facebook to discuss, interact, reflect together on racism. Aries Project, an exciting project with a thought decided: "Against racism through sports."


All over the world, you can hear fans in stadiums screaming their team's name at the top of their lungs. It doesn't matter what the game is... it doesn't matter which country you are in... it makes no difference whether it's a big city or a small village, whether it's a top-flight match or a simple friendly match. What matters is the team.

But what if the team was formed just before the race? Furthermore, if the individual players were boys and girls from different countries, cultures, religions and ethnicities in one team, could there be a team spirit? Would their supporters exist? Yes.. all of this could exist.. it happened during the Mondialito, a world mini-championship organized by the Committee UISP Ciriè Settimo Chivasso.

In April 2010, sports associations and school teachers from Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Austria and Turkey promoted the Mondialito with commitment and strong will, as they believe in sport as a means of promoting integration and fighting discrimination and racism. Supported by the "Fondazione Coraggio" in Bulgaria, by the association for ecology, sport and tourism in Romania and by the Austrian Bulgarian association in Austria, they have imported into their countries of origin the good things they learned in Italy, spreading these teachings in their cities, in their neighborhoods and among the groups most at risk.

All the initiatives and activities in the four partner countries - Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria - are part of the "Aries" project, aimed at fighting racism through sport and financed by the "Freedom, Justice and Citizenship" program promoted by the European Commission . Bulgaria and Romania are the newborn members of the European Union… but they are also the poorest. Radical changes in lifestyles in the last 20 years have generated democracy, poverty and major social problems at the same time. Racism in Bulgaria has been directed above all towards the Roma population, perceived as an ethnic group of different and inferior origins.

Racism in Romania developed immediately after the fall of communism in 1989. Neo-Nazi groups in primis built barricades and barriers against the Roma population seen as thieves and uncivilized individuals. Although racism is widely condemned throughout Europe, in different countries many forms of racism are linked to history, culture, religion and economic issues. Research and surveys of risk factors for racism, and subsequent violence, show that more important than any individual factor is the accumulation of factors. Particularly exposed adolescents cannot change family and environment.

What can be done is to encourage them to practice sport as a tool of integration, as a way to control and vent negative energy and at the same time convey education and respect. Sport is a perfect tool to increase self-esteem and a sense of teamwork. It can also be used to raise questions and concerns about human dignity and the fight against discrimination in all its forms. Topics such as European citizenship and common rights that could otherwise be perceived as abstract, are interesting when included in sport-related proposals with related seminars.

A proof in support of this thesis is the enthusiasm shown by the participants of the Aries project during seminars and tournaments of mixed teams.


Project started in January 2009 and completed in June 2010

For more information about the project, click HERE for Italian website



Director, Roberto Rinaldi

Mobile and Whatsapp: +39 335 640 7796



Educative and social policies accountable, Fabrizia Lovarini

Mobile and Whatsapp: +39 342 570 2202
