
LGBTQI: Uisp against homophobia

On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses in the international classification of diseases.

Uisp has long been committed to these issues against all forms of discrimination, against homophobia and transphobia still strongly present in sport and in our society. He did it at the Sochi Winter Olympics and does it every day with campaigns, initiatives and projects, because sport is a right for everyone without any gender distinction.

Uisp aims to overcome the obstacles that prevent access to sport, and in this direction it promotes sports experiences that allow transsexual and transgender athletes to compete. The choice to activate the Alias membership starts here, a path that we are presenting and promoting throughout the sports world.

In addition, training, awareness raising, project activities are the nodal points in order to promote the growth of a different, more inclusive and equal sports culture. In this direction Uisp coordinated the drafting of a handbook for the rights of LGBTI people in sport, realized in collaboration with the Academic Center Sinapsi of the University Federico II of Naples and the University Parthenope, with the aim of educating to the differences and making our activities and our offices more and more welcoming.

A strong commitment is needed in the sports world to change a culture that is too discriminatory and sexist, and to counter any form of discrimination and violence against LGBTQ people. As Uisp we know how much is still necessary to overcome certain stereotypes in our society, and in particular in the sports world. We value athletes for what they are and represent: sport, movement, well-being, results, socialization, confrontation, art. Uisp is on the field, and is committed to play the game against stereotypes and discriminations.