
UISP-SVIMEZ: research "The offer of sports facilities and services in the Italian regions: needs of sports practice"



Duration: n. 6 months: January-June 2023

Location: The project has a national scope (Italy)

Applicant / Coordinator: Uisp Aps

Partners: SVIMEZ – Association for the Development of Industry in Southern Italy

Funding body: Sport e Salute S.p.A.


UISP and SVIMEZ – Association for the Development of Industry in the South, developed in 2011 the research "The social and health cost of a sedentary lifestyle" financed by Sport and Health, with the aim of verifying the correlation between the phenomena of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle with respect to the supply and demand conditions of the various Italian regions, with particular reference to the South, and to estimate the economic impact on the national health system of the phenomenon of sedentary lifestyle.

From the data analyzed the hypothesis emerged, which we intend to validate with the research "The offer of sports facilities and services in the Italian regions: needs of sports practice", that the attitude towards sedentary lifestyle and the gap recorded between South and North can also be linked to the lower diffusion of public sports facilities in the southern and island regions.

For this reason the new research project aims to produce a report on the state of the art of sports facilities in Italy to support the definition of interventions and policies of national interest, with a specific focus on the Southern Regions, highlighting the critical issues of sector and enhancing the exchange of "best practices" at a national level.

This analysis is developed to formulate guidelines and policies for the benefit of regional public and sports bodies and associations for the planning of programs and interventions aimed at reducing the imbalances and disparities also exacerbated by the economic crisis linked first to the pandemic and then to the crisis of the Russian-Ukrainian war



  1. map the offer of sports facilities and services, in particular publicly owned (publicly and/or privately managed) in the Italian regions in order to investigate the effects of the availability and quality of organized structures, services, facilities and specialized personnel on the population's attitude and sporting practice.
  2. analyze the needs, in terms of investments and resources, of managers, operators and users through a dedicated survey in order to improve the systems and services offered.



The research project develops in 7 phases:

  • Phase 1 – Start of activities, preparation of analysis tools 
  • Phase 2 – Focus Group
  • Phase 3 – Distribution/administration of questionnaires and data collection
  • Phase 4 – Data analysis
  • Phase 5 – Writing of the research
  • Phase 6 – Presentation and promotion of the research results
  • Phase 7 – Closing and reporting

The research methodology includes:

  • the systematization and expansion of an information database on which to base the analysis relating to sports facilities, starting from the mapping created by CONI
  • the creation and administration of a questionnaire designed to investigate the expectations and needs of sports managers and operators in the Italian regions.


News: (only in Italian)


Doc  Outputs: (only in Italian)


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