

Bridging the gap between guidelines and action



Duration:  36 months – 1st January 2016 – 31st December 2018

Location: The project has a European scope and took place in various cities in Europe (Italy, France, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, Denmark)

Applicant/Coordinator: ISCA - International Sport and Culture Association



ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation). It promotes cycling in Europe as a sustainable and healthy means of transportation and recreation;

EIN (EPODE International Network). The network supports organisations that want to implement or that are already implementing Community-Based Programmes based on the EPODE methodology for obesity and non-communicable disease;

EUPEA (European Physical Education Teachers’  Associations). It is the umbrella organisation of the national Physical Education Associations in Europe, representing approx. 200.000 individual members (Physical Education teachers) in 32 countries. EUPEA's vision is to promote Physical Education as an important educational area within the school system and the training of young people.

IASLIM (International Association of Sport and Leisure Infrastructure Management), Slovenia. It is an international network of organizations promoting sustainable development and improving the management of sport and leisure infrastructure, throughout the world;

EHSN (European Healthy Stadia Network). Network of sports clubs, stadia operators and governing bodies of sport joined for the purpose of promoting policies and practices at stadia that contribute to improved levels of public health amongst fans, stadia workforces and local communities.

BG BE Active, Bulgaria: organisation working within the field of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) promotion;

V4Sport, Poland: Foundation with the aim of increasing the number of people physically active in Poland;

UFOLEP (Union Francaise des Oeuvres Laiques d'Education Physique), France: French organization that gathers physical education teachers with the aim of promoting physical and sports education not only in schools, but also in other sectors of society through their professional figures;

Polis gia podilato, Greece: social cooperative with the aim of promoting the cycling and the use of cycle paths in Greece.


Funding body: EU Erasmus+ 2015 programme, Collaborative Partnerships in the field of Sport.



Overall project objective is to build capacity in civil society organisations to engage in active, cross-sector advocacy for the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines.

Specific project objectives expected deliverables are:

  1. To build the knowledge base for active advocacy for the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines by
    • Determining the actual level of progress in implementing the EU Physical Activity Guidelines in 5 selected EU countries in cooperation with the national HEPA focal points
    • Compiling good practices in the field of advocacy for physical activity among participating organisations and beyond through desk research from past projects, other alliances and relevant literature
    • Commissioning pilot reports in Poland, Bulgaria and France, establishing an evidence base for active advocacy for HEPA promotion. These pilot researches will allow international comparison and will be adaptable to different settings
  2. To build capacities in participating organisations to engage in active advocacy by
    • Developing relevant tools and resources to facilitate the advocacy work of all involved organisations
    • Conducting knowledge-sharing and training seminars/workshops
  3. To test the validity and quality of the proposed tools and capacities by
    • Establishing cross-sector HEPA advocacy alliances on national and local level
    • Delivery of advocacy interventions
  4. Widening the impact of the project by
    • Developing a webinar series on HEPA policy advocacy
    • Dissemination and exploitation of the project results



The Uisp has put into synergy the strategies and activities developed with the EU project with those that are the objectives of Active Voice: on 6th April2016 Uisp presented the work of translation and publication of the WHO guidelines within the "Strategy on the physical activity for the Europe Region of the WHO-World Health Organization 2016-2025" conference that took place in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies, in order to foster a transversal comparison that allows to design possible strategies,  making use of all the skills and possible synergies, towards a conception of health increasingly as a right of citizenship for all.

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E-learning modules: 

Doc & Outputs: 
