

European Youth Engaging in Solidarity and Sport


Duration: 24 months: 1st January  2019 – 31st December 2020

Location: The project has an international scope and takes plae in Italy, Hungary, Austria, Greece, Denmark

Ente proponente: Uisp, Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti, Italia


  • Associazione Ares 2.0 (Italy)
  • BAIS -  Budapesti Egyesület a Nemzetközi Sportért (Hungary)
  • Horizon Service Società Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)
  • Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Italy)
  • Università del Peloponneso (Greece)
  • Gymnastikhoejskolen i Ollerup (Denmark)
  •  VIDC - Wiener Institut Fur Internationalen Dialog Und Zusammena (Austria).


Funding body: EU Erasmus + Sport Collaborative Partnership 2018




Racism and discrimination are today some of the most important issues in the European and world panorama. Despite often distant national policies, non-governmental organizations, sports federations and universities in five European countries are committed together in the project European Youth Engaging in Solidarity and Sport (EYESS) based on the will to fight racism and encourage social integration through practice of sports disciplines.

20 young people from Italy, Greece, Hungary, Austria and Denmark will participate in the Mondiali Antirazzisti, where they will take part in a theoretical learning session concerning the organization of such an event, with a specific focus on the methodology used . The success of the Mondiali Antirazzisti  is mainly due to the ability to build, over the years, a profitable and fertile international network active in the fight against racism and any kind of discrimination.

In the next phase of the EYESS project, the trainees will have to replicate the "Mondiali Antirazzisti" in the 5 partner countries. By adapting the lesson learned to their specific realities, the good practices gathered during Mondiali Antirazzisti will guarantee a solid base from which to start to revive that type of event, adapting it to the needs of the areas where they will be staged. Activities will focus on solidarity and social integration of migrants through sport.

The project will be analyzed by the Department of Communication and Social Research of the Sapienza University of Rome, which will examine the impact on the participants, on the organizations and on the external environment during and after the development of the project.


For more info:








Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320