Duration: 24 months: 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2018
Location: The project is international, and it develops – in addition to Italy – in Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Hungary.
Applicant / Coordinator: VIDC/FairPlay (Vienna Institute for Dialogue and Cooperation), Austria
Funding body: UE Erasmus + Sport Collaborative Partnership 2016
Following the refugees crossing into the EU in 2015 many sport clubs, associations and informal groups started to provide sport and leisure activities to the newly arrived migrants. Sport organisations are confronted with a new situation where experience and best practices are lacking and grass-root sport initiatives experience dwindling support.
Against this backdrop the Sport Inclusion Network (SPIN) designed the project “Sport Welcomes Refugees – Social inclusion of newly arrived migrants in and through sport”. The project aims to provide knowledge, training and qualification to work with the new target groups. It will enhance the social inclusion and participation of newly arrived migrants on different levels of sport through training, awareness-raising and capacity-building of sport stakeholders.
The overall objective of the project “Sport Welcomes Refugees – Social inclusion of newly arrived migrants in and through sport” is to enhance the social inclusion and participation of newly arrived migrants on different levels of sport (formal and informal) through training, awareness-raising and capacity-building of sport stakeholders.
The project is designed to achieve the following specific objectives:
The project is divided in several work streams
1 . Building an Evidence base
2. Training and Qualification of Sport Educators and Clubs
3. Respect Refugees – Campaigning and Raising Public Awareness
4. Capacity building of Sport Initiatives with newly arrived Migrants
5. European Networking and Policy Development
For more info: progettazione@uisp.it
Website: swr.sportinclusion.net
*A note on terminology: this project uses the terms “newly arrived migrants” and “refugees” to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320
e-mail: progetti@uisp.it