Duration: 24 months: 1st January 2015-31st December 2016
Location: Germany, Italy, Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Holland
Applicant/Coordinator: Erlangen University, Germany
Funding body: EU Erasmus+ 2014 programme, Collaborative Partnerships in the field of Sport.
Main project objectives are:
1) to improve implementation of policy for HEPA (Health Enancing Phisycal Activities) infrastructure development at the national level;
2) to position sport organisations’ to take leading roles as promoters of HEPA through sport via capacity development.
Project activities involved interactive, participatory processes in order to build bridges between policy and practice both vertically (e.g. EU-level to the local level) and horizontally (e.g. multi-sectorally).
To achieved aim 1), the project has foreseen the establishment of cross-sectoral, National Alliances in six EU Member States. The National Alliances cooperated at the international level to carry out a policy development, training and implementation scheme that resulted in the adoption of National Action Plans to implement the IMPALA Guidelines.
To achieve aim 2, national sport organisations developed, implemented and participated in an international Winter School for Stakeholders. This resulted in the strengthen of their standing to lead tasks including the creation of National Alliances and developing of National Action Plans.
For more information: progettazione@uisp.it
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
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e-mail: progetti@uisp.it