Duration: 18 months: 01th May 2019 - 31st November 2020 (due to Covid-19 the closing date has been extended and the project ended in February 2021)
Location: The project has a National scope and takes place in 4 Italian cities: Bologna, Genoa, Caserta and Rome
Applicant / Coordinator: European Committee for Training and Agriculture (CEFA Onlus),
Funding body: AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development / ECG 2018
PINOCCHIO project, of which Uisp is a partner, comes from the need to develop actions of active citizenship and public awareness to counter the incidence of the phenomenon of xenophobic discrimination in the inclusion processes that characterize contemporary societies.
The intervention strategy is developed through three interconnected activity areas.
1: Creation of a set of original digital learning tools with which to facilitate the comprehension of the behavioral modalities that the discriminatory phenomenon assumes in everyday life.
2: Implementation of capacity-building workshops aimed at strengthening the target groups' skills / abilities in the discriminatory attitudes and behaviors assessment and prevention processes. 40 class groups (15-35 years), 20 Social Promotion Associations, 20 Amateur Sports Associations are involved, and workshops take place in 4 cities (Bologna, Rome, Genoa, Caserta). The participatory laboratorial methodology, reinforced by the digital learning component, facilitates the involvement and the "call to action" participation of the beneficiaries.
3: Promotion of a communication campaign in line with the objective of combating phenomena of discrimination and the promotion of cultural and social interaction both in everyday life and in virtual communities. The action includes a digital communication strategy based on verifiable data and the deconstruction of false news, supported by the creation of 3 original videos distributed on the YouMedia channels of Fanpage.it and the You Tube channel of the influencer Lorenzo Baglioni and by call to action proposals that want to stimulate interactions with the contents of the campaign, relaunched on the project's social networks and in occasion of live public events.
OS1: Activate a training process that encourages people to commit themselves directly to foster change by combating forms of xenophobic discrimination in the social and community life in 4 pilot cities.
OS2. Contribute to combating phenomena of discrimination, intolerance and hatred by enhancing diversity and promoting cultural and social interaction in national public opinion with an original communication campaign (online and off line).
Fore more info: progettazione@uisp.it
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320
e-mail: progetti@uisp.it