Duration: 12 months: 17th July 2013 – 16th July 2014
Location: The project has a national scope and takes place in 10 Italian cities: Barletta, Bergamo, Genova, Messina, Nuoro, Padova, Pisa, Reggio Emilia, Torino, Trieste.
Participants: about 1.500 boys and girls
Funding body: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, under the Law 383/2000 – F/2012
The project started from the large wealth of Uisp experience in the field of active lifestyles and freestyle sports for teenagers. The proposal, highly experimental, intended to counter the sedentary lifestyle and sports drop out among teenagers, through the development of 10 active workshops, in school and out of school, for the practice of street sports. These activities are free and postmodern, such as parkour, street dance, hip hop; sliding sports practices with skateboard, monoscooter, snowboard; juggling (which enhance manual skills).
The field of action is the street, where teenagers “oriented to adventure” self-organize their activities far away from the places of traditional sports, independently and with great freedom of expression; these experiences are not based on the ethics of sacrifice, on result and on winning, but on courage, on talent and creativity, on the centrality of the sensations, of acrobatic performances and of the value of group experience. The crew is the community in which the teenagers recognized themselves and they choose to belong, where they produce their culture and keep relationships, with their expressive languages, self-managing sports activities, outside and often at odds with the traditional sports system.
The road becomes a space and a time of pedagogical action, where it’s possible to turn on the educational-relational process through practices that are related to the communication codes of teenagers and that leave them great freedom of expression.
The planned activities are designed aiming at a tight integration between school and outside school. Interventions to promote an active lifestyle and sports drop out sports have provided laboratories of freestyle sport in schools (parkour, juggling, urban dance, etc..) aimed to teenagers, closely related to open air activities and to co-design and organization of local events by teenagers, according to the methodology of peer education, in order to encourage their self-management of activities.
A final DVD collects the experiences of the 10 cities.
For more information: progettazione@uisp.it
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320
e-mail: progetti@uisp.it