

Network of collaborations and initiatives to support accessibility to sports and to enhance the role of sport in the post-COVID-19 socio-economic reactivation process



Duration:  1. months: 17/01/2022 - 16/06/2023


The project has national scope and takes place in 19 Italian regions, involving a total of 40 cities and their provinces

  1. ABRUZZO: Pescara;
  2. BASILICATA: Matera;
  3. CALABRIA: Reggio Calabria, Catanzaro / Crotone;
  4. CAMPANIA: Naples, Avellino;
  5. EMILIA ROMAGNA: Bologna, Modena, Parma;
  6. FRIULI: Udine, Gorizia, Trieste;
  7. LAZIO: Rome, Latina;
  8. LIGURIA: Genoa;
  9. LOMBARIDA: Milan, Lariano-CO;
  10. MARCHES: Ancona, Senigallia, Ascoli Piceno;
  11. PIEDMONT: Turin, Ciriè-TO, Brà-CN;
  12. APULIA: Bari;
  13. SARDINIA: Cagliari, Sassari, Oristano;
  14. SICILY: Enna, Catania, Messina;
  15. TUSCANY: Florence, Grosseto, Rosignano-LI;
  17. UMBRIA: Perugia, Orvieto-TN;
  18. VALLE D’AOSTA: Aosta;
  19. VENETO: Venice, Padua, Verona, Rovigo


Applicant/Coordinator:  UISP APS


Partners: Municipalities of the localities involved in the project


Funding body: Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Call n.2 pursuant to Article 72 of Legislative Decree No. 117 - 03/07/2017, year 2020



The project "SPORT FOR ALL: Network of collaborations and initiatives to support accessibility to sports and to enhance the role of sport in the post COVID-19 socio-economic reactivation process" intends to enhance sport and physical activity as priority tools to support the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, with particular attention to cities and the urban dimension. The goal is to make the benefits of sport and physical activity accessible to all, even in times of crisis.

To achieve these objectives, the project envisages the activation of a co-development platform that operates at national and regional level according to the LIVING LAB model, and implements actions on several fronts, social (SPORTOUS action / promotion of the figure of territorial sports animator and social vouchering), economic (SPORT IMPACT LAB action / constest for incubator for sports professions), environmental (UISP4SUSTAINABILITY action / promotion of soft mobility).



Through the "SPORT FOR ALL - SPT" project, UISP intends to enhance sport and physical activity as priority tools to support the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, with particular attention to cities and the urban dimension. The goal is to make the benefits of sport and physical activity accessible to all, even in times of crisis.

In details:

  1. guarantee all individuals the possibility of accessing the services and opportunities of sport to guarantee the satisfaction of their needs;
  2. activate development processes aimed at qualifying sport and physical activity in an "innovation ecosystem", to assist in the creation of new ideas, products and services capable of jointly support people's social well-being and economic development;
  3. support the promotion, enhancement and protection of environmental "capital" through sport from a sustainability perspective.



In order to be able to transform sport and physical activity into a systemic element of programming to support "well-being and social development", it is necessary to resort to new tools and processes capable of enhancing sport as a structural policy capable of effectively supporting the satisfaction of people's needs, and transforming challenges into development opportunities.

For this purpose, SPT provides for the activation of a co-development platform that operates at national and regional level according to the LIVING LAB model.

Through the Living Lab the skills and knowledge of "experts" are enhanced into tools to find solutions to emerging needs, trying to transform the problems related to sport and physical activity, into opportunities to assist in improving the levels of "social well-being" of people.

Alongside the activities envisaged by the co-development platform, territorial pilot actions are tested which, through the direct involvement of citizens, support accessibility to sporting activities and enhance the role of sport in reference to HEALTH, INCLUSION SOCIAL, RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, and SUPPORT FOR THE ECONOMY.

The pilot actions envisage a dual approach, useful both for responding to the problems created by the Covid 19 crisis, and for making sport and physical activity a systemic element within the development and cohesion processes activated in urban contexts.


It is the social component, and involves the implementation of initiatives aimed at supporting the inclusion of individuals at risk of exclusion in physical and sporting activity. In particular, as regards the public sector, it provides for the activation of a specific professional profile identified in the territorial sports animator; with reference to businesses, on the other hand, is envisaged the development and activation of an innovative social service called vouchering.


It is the economic component, which intends to activate an "ideas incubation" service to promote the development of new sports professions and entrepreneurship (incubator for sports professions).


It is the environmental component, and involves the activation and development of a system for the promotion and enhancement of soft mobility, through the definition of plans for sustainable mobility and the development of innovative systems aimed at activating the "environmental accounting" of km transferred from motorized to soft mobility.


For more information:





Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320