

Sport on show against doping


Duration: 15 months: November 2019 - January 2021 (due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the project was closed earlier, and it was not possible to create the expected materials)

Location: The project has national value and takes place in Jesi, Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Novara, Oristano

Applicant / Coordinator: Uisp

Partners: Uisp Local Committees of Jesi, Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Novara, Oristano


Funding body:

Ministry of Health, Section for the supervision and control of doping and for the protection of health in the sports activities of the Technical Health Committee, 2019 research and training / information program on drugs, substances and medical practices usable for purposes of doping and health protection in sporting activities, hear 2019



In recent years the use of pharmacological substances for the purpose of doping, both in the competitive and amateur sectors, has strongly increased: adolescents can be more easily induced to use doping substances, both by imitation of famous athletes, and because they are subjected to increasing pressure from parents, coaches and, last but not least, peers, for the improvement at all costs of athletic and sporting performances.

Uisp, in synergy with local schools, has therefore promoted, in the last 20 years, numerous training and information campaigns addressed to adolescents envisaging the creation of experimental laboratories in Italian schools where students, supported by teachers, Uisp operators and experts , have autonomously produced innovative information products, such as videos, comics, theatrical performances, murals, board games directed to their peers (peer-education) and aimed at countering the phenomenon of doping.

Health Shoots project makes use of Uisp's previous experience in doping and pharmacological pollution, but introducing innovations in experimentation.

While re-proposing the formula of experimental laboratories in schools, a process innovation is introduced through a new educational / informative tool (photography) and a new learning method (cooperative learning). Students, after having participated in thematic workshops and in-depth study of the theme (co-presence of teachers, Uisp operators and experts) and having elaborated how to treat the subject through different photographic genres (reportage, still life, sports or news photography), can count on the help of a professional photographer (one for the laboratory) who will guide them through the sharing of the fundamentals of photography and the main photographic techniques.  

The objective of the shots is to tell the socio-cognitive developments at the base of the intention and the actual use of doping substances and the changes in the body: each image acquires its own meaning but can become a story (reportage) if juxtaposed one to other, with the themes of doping / sport / health and lifestyles acting as a common thread. The narrative-photographic storytelling is the result of the work of co-planning among students: through the methodologies of peer-education and cooperative learning the students / apprentices photographers measure their abilities and the degree of acquisition of the package of knowledge and awareness on themes that the project intends to convey


Increase, through the implementation of a training / information campaign designed by young people for young people (peer education), the information and awareness level of boys and girls of secondary schools on the risk of the use of drugs, substances and medical practices for doping purposes and on the importance of protecting health in sports and healthy daily lifestyles.



  • Two-day training workshop with the participation of local managers and Uisp educators who will then train the children.
  • Experimental workshops in the 5 cities involved, with school and extra-curricular meetings, for the conception and realization of the photographic campaign.
  • Promotion of the campaign and publicizing the project through communication channels and social networks.
  • Organization of a local final event, in order to raise awareness among as many young people as possible, with the exposure of the best shots.
  • Participation to a festival of photography  with the presentation and illustration by the kids of the 5 photographic campaigns and/or of the best shots taken withinn the project.
  • Creation of a photo book that will be distributed to all schools and participating classes


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