Let’s move! is an information/action campaign addressed to primary schools on active life styles based on Sport For All as practice able to promote well-being, health, fight against obesity, not focusing on a simple transferring of information from experts, but promoting the perception of everyone like active subject as well as responsible of own choices, starting from the early developmental age. Another objective of the campaign is to mobilise families for the construction of “spaces” of activity beyond the limits of structured sport, based on games, movement and healthy nutrition, designed to involve children and parents.
The idea of elaborating a campaign on childhood sedentariness was planned starting by the reading of the statistical data: in Italy, the majority of children is really sedentary, spending, already at 6 years old, an average of more than 2 hours watching TV; they play passive games and do not consider the outdoor ones which are more physically exacting. Moreover, we had to be aware that, progressively, free time activities, played in the park, in green spaces and in extemporised game fields, which, for years and years, have contributed to develop spontaneously movement, creativity and sociality of entire generations of children, is going to disappear.
Project started officially on October 2006 and in these years more than 100.000 children and their families were involved.
At the end of the first year of Let’s move (69 cities - 166 schools - 985 classes - 20.040 children), because of the positive results in terms of people participation and results achieved (assessment report), UISP decided to invest on the campaign, planning a second year of activitiy called “Let’s move again!”. The first and the second phases were evaluated by a team of the University of Rome together with UISP experts. Questionnaires for both parents and children were gathered to elaborate a final assessment, which were extremely positive. Finally, UISP elaborated a new format.
"1...2...3...let’s move! with the aim to push children to acquire together new habits and behaviours, with the idea that regular and shared movement + nutrition mean common health and fun. Consequently, each class had a common huge diary as well as the personal one where describe the experience.
So now the campaign is structured in three phases:
“Let’s move! New active life styles for children and families”, starting from first or second classes with materials focused on simple notions of healthy behaviours and nutrition;
“Let’s move again! The game goes on”, is the second year of activity, with more developed materials focused to keep regular healthy actions;
“1..2..3..let’s move! Share the game!”, the third and final phase with the idea to valorise the class groups as element able to promote the achievement of the foreseen objective.
Each year of campaign starts in schools on November and closes on May with final events realised in schools or “outdoor”, in the streets, in the squares and/or in the parks of all the cities involved.
The materials of the campaign were elaborated by Uisp staff with professional graphics and provide: diary for each child (different for each phase), teachers guide, parents guide, information folder, tabloid with all the campaign information and assessment results, final diploma for children, a huge poster for the classes (in the first two phases), a huge diary for classes (in the third phase).
All information about the campaign (materials, cities, schools,…) and results form the schools participants (press review, video, photos, etc..) are gathered in a specific web site, completely dedicated to the campaign:
For more info: progettazione@uisp.it
Website: www.diamociunamossa.it
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320
e-mail: progetti@uisp.it