Duration: 29 months – August 2022 – 31th December 2024
Location: The project has a European scope and take place in Italy, Spain, Greece, Denmark and Netherlands
Applicant/Co-ordinator: FARE Network-Football Against Racism in Europe (The Netherlands)
Funding body: EU Erasmus+ Programme - Sport Collaborative Partnership 2022
The Rewins 2.0 project, is the continuation of Rewins 1.0, aims to promote the inclusion of refugee women in sports and training of coaches, by creating mixed women's teams of refugee and local and developing training structures.
In the context of using sport as a tool for refugee integration REWINS 2.0 addresses the following issues:
(a) the need to create adaptable training structures for the inclusion of refugee women indifferent team and individual sports (football, dancing, volleyball, swimming, athletics etc.);
(b) the need to offer an online customed mentorship programme for coaches/ trainers working with refugees
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320
e-mail: progetti@uisp.it