

Make amateur sport tolerant and eliminating racism and discrimination


Duration: 24 months: January 2019 – December 2020

Location: The project has a European scope and take place in partners' countries: Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Greece, France.

Applicant / Coordinator: EFUS (European Forum for Urban Security) 

Municipalities of: Liege (BE),Lisbon (PT),Loano (IT),Maranello (IT),Nea Propontida (GR),Valence (FR)

Other organisations: UISP - Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (IT),Europaische Sportacademie Land Brandenburg (DE),Portuguese Ministry of Internal Administration (PT)


Funding body: EU Erasmus+ Programme 2018 / Sport Collaborative Partnership


The objective of the project is to analyze the phenomenon of violence and in particular discriminative violence in amateur sport and to offer help to local authorities and clubs to combat this form of violence. A special focus is dedicated to families, especially in working with parents, often volunteers in sports associations.



The main goals of the project are to:

  1. Develop or strengthen programmes to counter and prevent violence in amateur sport
  2. Help local authorities have better knowledge on violence and prevention strategies
  3. Empower local partners by providing them with suitable and adequate tools to answer with an integrated, multi sectoral approach, as they are well aware of the problem but often ill-equipped to address it 



Project partners are committed to the implementation of:

  • Drawing  a state of art on violence and discrimination in sport at the local level in several European countries
  • Creating practice sheets on valuable actions regarding the experience of the city/region in tackling the issues of violence and discrimination in sport
  • Creating a local training programme for local authorities, sport organisations and volunteers
  • Implementing pilot projects in all partners cities
  • Sharing results of the project during a festival in the context of the European Week of Sport (2020), organised by UISP


For more info:

