
PAC: Prisoners' Active Citizenship

Duration: 24 months –01st November 2017 – 30th November 2019

Location: The project has a EU scope and has been implemented in Belgium, Italy, Croatia, the Netherland and UK. 

Applicant/Coordinator: De Rode Antraciet, Belgium


  • UISP (Italian sport for all association), Italy
  • VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Belgium
  • ACSW (Association for Creative Social Work), Croatia
  • Changes&Chances, Netherland
  • PET (Prisoners' Education Trust), UK


Funding body: EU, Erasmus+ 2017 programme, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices



This project addresses the need for more cohesive and inclusive societies which allow citizens to play an active role in democratic life. Although more than 1.400.000 people are imprisoned throughout Europe, these people are at risk of exclusion when they will be back in society. Prisoners are often ignored when the initiatives for education and youth work are started and implemented and when the efforts to promote common European values, foster social integration, enhance intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community, and to prevent violent radicalization are made.

At the base of the project, therefore, there is the conviction that offering prisoners the opportunity to commit themselves or to promote initiatives in their activities, will provide the prisoners with an incentive to develop skills, restore relationships and take responsibility for their lives and the lives of others. We believe that every person, wherever they are, can work for a better life in society.



The aim of the project is to provide prisoners with access to different forms of active citizenship. Active citizenship in prison entails different forms: e.g.:

  • Democratic participation in prison life (e.g. prisoner councils);
  • Formally organized peer support;
  • Involvement in the organization of prison programs (e.g. education, sport activities, prison work, cultural activities)

Additionally, the project envisages to develop a European toolkit about prisoners’ participation and active involvement in prison life.

In order to develop it, PAC consortium developed, tested and implemented learning areas in 5 European countries. These learning areas were based on scientific and valid research. Using process and product evaluations, these innovative learning areas has been scientifically investigated in order to develop a toolkit for governments, prison directions and all stakeholders to set up good and sustainable practices on a local level within a European context.



Uisp specific tasks were mainly:

  • Participation in 5 transnational meetings. Organization of a meeting in Italy;
  • Development, testing and implementation of the learning areas of the manual;
  • Organization of an event to present the results of the project (in Italy);
  • Dissemination of the results.

Furthermore, Uisp collaborated in the production of the following Intellectual Output:

  • O1: State of the art and identification of good practices in Europe
  • O3: Assessment of learning areas
  • O4: Handbook
  • O5: Recommendations for prison policies


For more information:

Doc & Outputs:
