Duration: 36 months: 01 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
Location: The project has a European scope and takes place in the 9 European partner countries: Austria, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Holland, Finland, Hungary, Denmark
Applicant/Coordinator: Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)
Funding body: EU, Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees, Call 2019
For many newly arrived refugees & asylum seekers a sports club is often the only opportunity to meet locals and to integrate into society. At the same time, grass-roots sport clubs lack experience on how to approach and include this target group. They require knowledge, training and qualification. Hence, the overall objective of the project “Sport Inclusion of Refugees across Europe” (SPIN Refugees) is to enhance the social inclusion and participation of refugees & asylum-seekers on the local sport level through training, education and capacity building of local sport stakeholders.
The project is carried out through transnational partnerships (SPIN Network) including 9 EU countries. It involves refugees & asylum seekers, as well as clubs & sport organisations, national experts, trainers and trainees, supporting NGOs & initiatives, as well as FAs & other key sport stakeholders.
The project identifies main obstacles that impede access of refugees to sport and shares experience of how organizations have confronted these challenges and facilitated access to sport for the newly-arrived migrants. The project contributes to the creation of an evidence base which will allow a clearer path forward for future action.
The overall objective of the SPIN Refugees project is to enhance the social inclusion and participation of asylum-seekers and refugees on the local sport level through training, education and capacity-building of local sport stakeholders.
The project is designed to achieve the following specific objectives:
1 Identifying Good Practices in the EU through:
To identify sport projects, programs and methodologies which work or don’t work, the project envisages to conduct a mapping study. The mapping study creates an empirical base for the practical activities of the project.
SPIN Refugees envisages to identify good practice examples across the EU; 3-5 examples are selected for a deeper analysis. The selection of the examples is bases on the quality criteria for inclusive sports projects, developed in the framework of the Sport Welcomes Refugees project.
2 Sport Inclusion Training for Coaches and Staff
The project foresees to develop a high-quality European Training Program for coaches and staff of sport clubs and organizations. The key components is an Electronic Learning Environment (ELE) and a Train the Trainer (TTT) Workshop. The ELE is an online tool for coaches and sport staff on how to practically increase local sports participation of refugees, in particular women and girls. To maximize the impact of the ELE, a European TTT Workshop is foreseen, where qualified trainers from 8 EU countries are taught on how to implement the tool in their countries
The trained trainers are able to apply the methods in their specific national context. In 8 countries two pilot NTS are organized.
3 Involvement and Capacity Building of Refugees
Refugees are absent as coaches and volunteers in organized sport clubs, e.g. due to lack of financial resources to obtain qualification. The project envisages to set up a scheme where refugees can apply for financial support for courses to become coaches or volunteers.
A group of refugees who have been successful in their sport or became coaches/managers are approached to raise awareness about the valuable contribution of refugees and asylum seekers to sport. About 10 ambassadors record testimonial videos.
4 Promoting Active Sports Participation of Refugees
This activity is foreseen in order to help clubs, refugees and those that support refugees establish simple but effective partnerships. SPIN Refugees foresees to launch a call will in selected member states to find sport clubs who are invited to jointly organise local events. 8 countries with an average of 2 sport clubs are supported.
The workshop is build on the 2018 UEFA Football and Refugees seminar by bringing together key stakeholders to share practice on how they have used football to bridge the gap between refugees and host sporting structures & communities.
5 Coordination, Monitoring & Communication
For the success of the project external and internal communication is key and a range of specific dissemination activities are foreseen.
Project web site: https://www.fairplay.or.at/en/projects/spin-refugees/
For more info: progettazione@uisp.it
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