

Educational and sports activities in juvenile detention


Duration: 36 months: 14th September 2012 – 13th September 2015

Location: The project has a national scope and take place in juvenile detention centres of 6 Italian Regions:

  1. CALABRIA: Catanzaro - “Paternostro”
  2. CAMPANIA: Napoli - “Nisida”
  3. EMILIA ROMAGNA: Bologna -  “Pratello”
  4. SARDINIA: Cagliari - “Quartuccio”,
  5. SICILY: Palermo - “Malaspina”,  Catania – “Bicocca”
  6. TUSCANY: Pontremoli - “Pontremoli”

Applicant / Coordinator: UISP – Italian Sport For all Association

Partners: Enel Cuore Onlus – Fondazione con il Sud – Ministry of Justice, Department of Juvenile Justice

Local partners:

  • Juvenile Justice Centres of Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte-Liguria-Valdaosta, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany
  • Juvenile detention centres of Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte-Liguria-Valdaosta, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany
  • Local authorities


Funding bodies:  Enel Cuore Onlus – Fondazione con il Sud – Ministero della Giustizia, Dipartimento della Giustizia Minorile, Uisp Nazionale



  1. planning of the intervention with the actors involved (methodology shared with stakeholders external to the project: psychologists, social workers, volunteers);
  2. the design and construction of infrastructures;
  3. drafting operational protocols for the use of facilities and equipment to make them available for UISP and local beneficiaries of the project;
  4. organization of sport activities;
  5. direct involvement of users in the organization of the sport events conducted with the peer education methodology
  6. educational activities related to the knowledge of the main basics: communication, team building, leadership, personal contribution, and so on. Also, always alternating between sport activities and training, to the beneficiaries will be transferred the historical knowledge on some of the major sports with a focus on the biographies of some personalities representing positive role models in the sport world
  7. monitoring and evaluation (direct surveys, questionnaires and interviews, ex ante, ongoing and ex-post);

Direct target

A. Children detainees in the identified areas. It is about 800 detainees just in the last in three years;

B. Children in penalty area in the indicated territories. It is approximately 2.000 children during the past in three years.

The social condition of the direct beneficiaries, children at risk and children already in the detention system,  is largely represented due to problematic family situations, usually disadvantages situations, with one or two parents in detention or otherwise subjected to security measures and / or issues related to drug addiction.


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