
SPORT E SALUTE 2022 - ACTIVATE! Active lifestyles against sedentary lifestyle




Duration: 12 months January – December 2023

Area of intervention:

The project has a national value and is carried out in 19 Uisp Regional Committees and 118 Uisp Territorial Committees

Applicant / Coordinator: UISP APS


Financing body: Sport e Salute spa for the year 2022


Funded by Sport e Salute spa, the "ACTIVATE! Active lifestyles against sedentary lifestyle" project is aimed at the population, including migrants, of all age groups (from 3 years to over 60) and citizens with disabilities, to bring inactive people closer to physical, motor and sporting activity, offered free of charge.

The project also envisages a training action aimed at operators in the sports world and sports associations (executives, managers, sports operators and technicians) to offer, at highly discounted rates (50%), opportunities for updating on methodological models and sports organizers for all.



  • Bring at least 8,200 inactive people closer to physical activity and sport (Reference target: children, young people, the disabled, women, migrants and the elderly)
  • Offer free sporting activities according to a schedule that includes 48 hours of activity for 6 months
  • Provide training support tools to sports operators on methodological and organizational models of sport for all (training/updating)
  • Activate support measures for amateur sports associations and clubs



Phase I: Start of the project

Phase II: Communication and promotion of project activities
Phase III: updating and training
The primary objective is to provide operators/technicians/educators with the skills to work in disadvantaged social contexts and/or with the disabled and to propose inclusive sports activities where the disabled and able-bodied can play together.
Phase IV: awareness campaign and promotion of healthy lifestyles to create active societies
Phase V: Sports activity:
The sports proposals are calibrated and differentiated for each age group:
• 3-6 years: _______________ Game, Sport and adventure
• 7-16 years: ______________ Sports and group and individual activities
• Ages 17-24: _____________ Un-Conventional Sports
• Over 25: ________________ Wellness and sport
• Over 60: ________________ Active ageing
• Target with disabilities: ____ Sport, play and disability
   (6-19 years / 20-40 years / over 40)
The project guarantees 2 hours of free activity per week for 6 months for each identified beneficiary.

Phase VI: Monitoraing and Evaluation

Phase VII: Project closure