

Experimental workshops on gender education in high school to prevent and combat violence against women


Duration:  n. 15 months – 1st March 2021 - 31st May 2022

Location: The project has a National scope and take place in 14 Italian regions and as many cities: Basilicata (Potenza); Calabria (Castrovillari / CS); Campania (Torre Annunziata / NA - Uisp Naples Committee); Emilia Romagna (Forlì - Uisp Committee Forlì / Cesena); Friuli Venezia Giulia (Trieste); Liguria (La Spezia); Lombardy (Cremona); Piedmont (Turin); Autonomous Province of Trento (Trento); Puglia (Martina Franca - Uisp Valle D'Itria Committee); Sardinia (Nuoro); Sicily (Enna); Tuscany (Pisa); Veneto (Venice).

Applicant/Coordinator: UISP APS

Partners: D.i.Re - Donne in rete contro la violenza

Funding body: MLPS, ex Art. 72 – D. Lgs N.117 del 03/07/2017 – Avviso 1-2018



The project is based on the observation that, despite the undeniable progress achieved in recent decades and the many steps taken by the international community to place the issue on the political agenda, the phenomenon of gender inequality, frequently leading to discrimination or actual violence against women, is still dramatically present in today's world.

At the base of this phenomenon there is a problem of a cultural nature.

In fact, in our society is deeply rooted a culture that defines the male and female characteristics and roles in society on the basis of gender prejudices and stereotypes, with a strong discriminatory effect against women.

On these basis, the project DIFFERENCES is shaped as an experimental action with a strong innovative character to stimulate in young people aged between 13 and 19 thoughts and individual growth on the issues of gender equality, through the activation of 14 school workshops in as many Italian cities, aimed at undermining discriminatory stereotypes against women and leading to changes in individual and collective behavior.



1) Building the cultural preconditions for the promotion of equal and non-violent relationships between men and women

2) Raise awareness and inform the new generations on the importance of gender equality and the fight against gender violence as preconditions for sustainable development

3) To stimulate in young people thoughts and personal growth aimed at eradicating gender stereotypes



The project foresees the activation of 14 experimental laboratories in secondary schools in as many Italian cities, where about 560 boys and girls (13-19 years) are involved in theoretical-practical meetings organized around 3 distinctmoments:

1) training / didactic theoretical modules (meetings with experts and sector representatives),

2) practical modules (role-playing and sports activities)

3) self-managed communication and awareness campaign on the issue of gender-based violence (according to the peer education approach)



A positive change is expected in the attitudes and socio-cultural behaviors of the young participants.

More generally is expected a change in customs and other practices based on stereotyped gender models in the involved communities.


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