

Combating Discrimination in Grassroots Sport Organisations


Lifetime:  36 months – January 2025– December 2027

Location: The project is European in scope and takes place in Italy, Fermany, Denmark, Norway, Slovenia

Proponente/Coordinatore: ISCA (Denmark)


  • UISP APS (Italy)
  • Lunaria APS (Italy)
  • DTB (Germany)
  • SUS (Slovenia)
  • Norway Olympic Committee (Norway)

Associated partenrs: ASD Playmore! (Italy); Sport for All Serbia (Serbia); Sport Link vzw (Belgium); SISH and Sport Evolution Alliance and Instituto do Desporte e Juventude (Portugal); Move Malta (Malta); Azur Sport Sante (France); Tautas Sporta Asociacija (Latvia); Udruga Akademija Zdravog Zivljenja (Croatia); V4Sport (Polonia); Eesti Firmaspordi Liit (Estonia); Lithuanian Country Sport And Culture Association Nemun (Lithuania); Ceska Asociace Sport Pro Vsechny Zs (Rep. Ceca); Sport for all Suceava (Romania); Oti Slovakia (Slovak); Nacionalno Dvizhenie Obedinenie Zarazvitie Na Sp (Bulgaria); Federata Shqiptare E Sportit Shkollor (Albania). 


Funding: Erasmus+ sport Programme



The ChangeMakers project addresses discrimination and under-representation of minorities within the developmental sports and leisure sector in general. For this reason, it intends to address several of the main different problems, in order to ensure a sustainable impact. It wants to include diverse experiences from the world of sport by surveying minority communities on the problems they face and what they feel could be improved, so that these communities can help guide future policies and practices and feel more engaged and represented than before.



  • Improving the capacities of grassroots civil society organisations involved in sport and leisure throughout Europe in preventing and combating discrimination and racism.  
    • Support grassroots sports organisations in the implementation of anti-discrimination measures.  
    • Creating the basis for better understanding, implementation and enforcement of policies and actions in grassroots sport on racism and non-discrimination.  
  • To better involve minority communities in the grassroots sport sector and in European society as a whole, to contribute to their strengthening and protection.  
    • Giving minority communities a platform and a voice to contribute to positive change in the field of discrimination and racism.  
    • Offering interested minorities more opportunities to become ‘Change Makers’, i.e. future leaders in the sector.  
  • Aumentare la conoscenza e la consapevolezza dei pregiudizi e degli stereotipi nello sport di base. 
    • Making organisations in the sector more aware of prejudices and stereotypes
    • Making individuals in Europe more aware of prejudices and stereotypes.  



  • Recruitment and training of people from ethnic minorities in the local community who will become Changemakers.
  • Mentoring programme for minority representatives
  • Development of self-assessment
  • Piloting: evaluation and implementation
  • Creation of an international network of minority representatives and organisations
  • Involvement of ‘next adopters’ in learning about the pilot and the project
  • Communication and awareness-raising campaign
  • Realisation of a series of webinars



  • WP3 Co-ordination - Piloting
  • Organisation of a meeting with partners in Italy
  • Participation in all international meetings in person and online; Move Congress 2025 and 2027
  • Recruitment of 2 people from ethnic minorities in the local community who will become Changemakers
  • Contribution to the creation of training material
  • Contribution to the communication programme



  • Collection of good examples of inclusion and anti-discrimination of minorities
  • Creation of guidelines for policies and practices
  • Creation of the Change Makers project manual


  • MEDIA: sito ufficiale in programmazione
  • NEWS:
  • DOC & OUTPUTS: al momento non c’è nulla
  • GALLERY: al momento non ci sono photo


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