Lifetime: 36 months – January 2025– December 2027
Location: The project is European in scope and takes place in Italy, Fermany, Denmark, Norway, Slovenia
Proponente/Coordinatore: ISCA (Denmark)
Associated partenrs: ASD Playmore! (Italy); Sport for All Serbia (Serbia); Sport Link vzw (Belgium); SISH and Sport Evolution Alliance and Instituto do Desporte e Juventude (Portugal); Move Malta (Malta); Azur Sport Sante (France); Tautas Sporta Asociacija (Latvia); Udruga Akademija Zdravog Zivljenja (Croatia); V4Sport (Polonia); Eesti Firmaspordi Liit (Estonia); Lithuanian Country Sport And Culture Association Nemun (Lithuania); Ceska Asociace Sport Pro Vsechny Zs (Rep. Ceca); Sport for all Suceava (Romania); Oti Slovakia (Slovak); Nacionalno Dvizhenie Obedinenie Zarazvitie Na Sp (Bulgaria); Federata Shqiptare E Sportit Shkollor (Albania).
Funding: Erasmus+ sport Programme
The ChangeMakers project addresses discrimination and under-representation of minorities within the developmental sports and leisure sector in general. For this reason, it intends to address several of the main different problems, in order to ensure a sustainable impact. It wants to include diverse experiences from the world of sport by surveying minority communities on the problems they face and what they feel could be improved, so that these communities can help guide future policies and practices and feel more engaged and represented than before.
For more information:
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320