Duration: n.18 months: May 2022– October 2023
Location: Italy – Regions Lombardy and Liguria
Applicant: Save the Children Italia Onlus
Partners: Uisp, Centro Sportivo Italiano
Financing body: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento per le politiche della famiglia
The project aims to promote the prevention and protection of boys and girls from any form of mistreatment, violence and abuse perpetrated in sports, through 3 macro actions:
1. construction of policies, procedures and tools to protect boys and girls against the mistreatment and abuse of children, in the sports field;
2. training and capacity building of operators / professionals regarding CSG standards and procedures and empowerment of children, adolescents and adults of reference;
3. strengthening the awareness of sports organizations with respect to their role in ensuring protection and safeguarding measures and in influencing their local networks in the application of such measures. The proposed activities therefore aim to support the project partners in the construction and implementation of prevention, protection and safeguarding measures against possible mistreatment and abuse against minors, which comply with international standards and are based on the aforementioned pillars, building procedures, tools and good practices applicable to the sport sector and to the capillary and territorial structure of the partners.
Promote in the regions of Lombardy (provinces of Milan, Lecco and Bergamo) and Liguria (provinces of Genoa and La Spezia) a model of prevention, protection and safeguarding of children from inappropriate behaviors, mistreatments, abuses and violence in sports organizations and their affiliates operating nationwide.
Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320
e-mail: progetti@uisp.it