

Sport Inclusion of Migrant and Minority Women: Promoting sports participation and leadership capacities


Duration: 24 months: 1st January 2019 – 31st December 2020

Location: The project has a European scope and takes place in Italy, Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Hungary

Applicant / Coordintor: VIDC - Wiener Institut Fur Internationalen Dialog Und Zusammena (Austria)


  • Uisp (Italy),  Camino (Germany)
  • FAI –Football Association of Ireland (Ireland)
  • Likkukaa (Finland)
  • Mahatma Gandhi for Human Right Organisation  (Hungary)
  • Sindicato dos Jogadores (Portugal)


Funding body: EU Erasmus + Sport Collaborative Partnership 2018



The objective of the project is to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities of women and girls with an immigrant or ethnic minority background through increased participation in sports and recreational physical activities. Looking at society at large, migrant and ethnic minority women are belonging to the most excluded and vulnerable groups in Europe. SPIN Women aims to show the different perspectives of migrant and ethnic minority women and to develop strategies to increase their involvement in sports. This includes capacity-building and empowerment components which increases the qualification and skills of female sport actors and multipliers. Furthermore, the project is conceived to raises awareness and to advocate for policy change within public authorities and sport governing bodies. The project is the first pan-European systematic sport initiative to focus entirely on fostering the inclusion of female refugees and asylum seekers as well as women with an ethnic minority background (such as Roma) in and through sport.



  1. Research on successful strategies and empowerment: Creating an empirical base
  • Focus group research on successful strategies
  • Empowerment action research: Migrant women & girls speaking for themselves
  1. European training and connecting sport stakeholders
  • European Multiplier Training (Berlin, Sept. 2019)
  • National Stakeholder Meetings
  • Connecting Online Tool
  1. Transnational Networking and advocating for policy change
  • Event: Strengthening ethnic minority women in football (Lisbon, spring 2020)
  • SPIN Conference: Promoting inclusion of migrant & ethnic minority women/girls in sport (Vienna, autumn 2020)
  1. Education and Raising public awareness
  • Animated Educational Video
  • Sport Inclusion Events during the European Week of Sport 2019 & 2020
  • Exhibition - (In)Visible - Ethnic Minority Women in Sport


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