



Duration:  4 hyears: January 2011 –  December 2014

Location: The project has a national scope and takes place in the suburban areas of 10 Italian cities: Ancona, Aprilia, Bari, Catania, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Sassari, Turin

Applicant / Coordinator: Save the Children

Partners: Uisp (Italian Sport for All Association), CSI (Italian Sports Center)


Funding body: Mondelēz International Foundation


This four-year project, which started in early 2011, aims to promote active lifestyles and proper nutrition for children and adults, encouraging changes in daily habits. Sponsored by Save the Children and financed by Mondelēz International Foundation, is made from Uisp and CSI. It develops in the peripheral areas of 10 Italian cities. Interventions provide on the first hand a campaign in primary schools about education to healthy lifestyles for children and their families, based on the previous experience of "Let's move", and on the other hand proposals of physical activities and sports accessible to all citizens in areas specially retrained and equipped.

In fact, the project took as its starting point the recovery and the renovation of centers located in disadvantaged areas of the city, set up with sports trails, green spaces, multisport fields, roller and skate parks, running trails, which were delivered to local residents with a symbolic party. The goal is not only to offer opportunities for movement and physical activity, but at the same time to transform these areas for an action of social integration that contrasts marginalization and disintegration that affect large segments of the population, especially young people.

The intervention of Uisp educators into the school classes was planned in close collaboration with teachers, using communication materials for children, with games, trivia and empty spaces to customize, and for adults, with news and information on movement and health and the specific objectives of the campaign. The activities in schools provide a strong integration with intervention programs in the retrained areas: in fact educators and operators of Uisp and Csi are available to offer educational initiatives, games and motor activities for children, good practices to promote movement, individual and team sports for all, with information desks for consulting services by pediatricians and nutritionists, and days of celebration.

During the four-year period actions have been programmed for monitoring and assessment in order to analyze the progress made by the interventions and the correspondence of the results with the established goals, through questionnaires, focus groups, interviews.

All information about the project and results are gathered in a specific web site, completely dedicated to the campaign:

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