

Reinforcement of social services offer for Palestinian children of refugees camps Mar Elias, Burj Barajneh and Rashidieh in Lebanon



Duration: 3 years: February 2015 - January 2018

Location: Lebanon – Palestinian refugees camps Mar Elias, Burj Barajneh and Rashidieh

Applicant / Coordinator: CTM Onlus


  • Uisp – Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti
  • Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation (local partner)


Funding body: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / General Board for Cooperation for Development


Despite their decades-long presence on the territory, Palestinians in Lebanon live in difficult social and economic conditions: children and young Palestinians have restricted access to the public school system, while the cost of private education is not sustainable by most families. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees - UNRWA), Authority of reference for the project, offers courses of primary and secondary education in refugees camps, while the non-profit associations provide local social and educational services crucial to overcome the shortcomings of the formal system. Socio-economic survey conducted by UNRWA on the state of poverty of the Palestinians in Lebanon in 2010 showed that support for education represents one of the most effective tools for poverty alleviation.

In this context, the project aims to help to improve the living conditions of the child population of the Palestinian refugees camps of Mar Elias, Burj Barajneh and Rashidieh in Lebanon, by expanding and strengthening the supply of social and educational services for minors Centres of Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation - GKCF. With this objective, the project promotes an integrated acting on the factors and the stakeholder of child development.



The project operates on different levels interconnected in order to act on the fundamental factors and actors that contribute to the education and development of children:

  • Expand and renovate the buildings of the three centers of GKCF to make them healthy and safe environments for healthy physical and mental development and education of children
  • Enhance the quality of educational offer through training and refresher courses for teachers
  • Encourage the active participation of parents in the education of their children
  • Developing the offer of programs of support for learning and game-recreational activities for children to improve their academic performance and psychological well-being
  • Disseminate ECDE methodologies and results of the project in order to promote an educational model and share awareness on the direct relationship between education and employment prospects



1.1 Restructuring the play area in the center of GKCF Burj Barajneh.
1.2 Construction of the second floor of the shopping center in GKCF Mar Elias.
1.3 Renovation and construction of a library in the center of GKCF Rashidieh.
1.4 Identification, purchase and supply of furniture, equipment and school buses.

2.1 Training courses in computer science for teachers.
2.2 Training courses of English language for teachers.
2.3 Workshop in techniques of art for educators.
2.4 Workshop in sports and well being for educators. Workshop (hold by Uisp) of 3 modules (2 modules in the first year and the second one) composed of four meetings in each center on body language and non-formal communication; game, sport and movement for the sharing of a system of positive behaviors for healthy lifestyles.

3.1 Training in educational co-responsibility for educators and parents.
3.2 Workshop in nutrition, dental hygiene and well being for educators and families. Workshop (hold by Uisp) (with the involvement of teachers and parents at least 30 and as many children in each center) on the theme of nutrition and psychological well-being aiming to achieve a healthy lifestyle. They produced: a Diary, games and tips for well-being and sport, and a dental hygiene kit.
3.4 Meetings of discussion and collaboration between teachers and parents.

4.1 Computer Training for minors
4.2 Course in Management Blog for children
4.3 English course for children
4.4 Art workshop
4.5 Summer Camps (hold by Uisp). 76 children enrolled in the youth club of the three centers, divided into 3 groups with 4 teachers GKCF, benefited from a period of five days each in a Lebanese village, the second and third year. During the fields 2 UISP operators organized physical activities, first settling in the water in the pool, recreational and traditional games. It has been produced a kit comprising: hat, shirt and backpack.

5.1 Research / study and instructional video on the methodologies used by ECDE GKCF.
5.2 Meetings of the presentation and promotion of the teaching methods used by GKCF.
5.3 Photo exhibition in Italy and Lebanon.
5.4 Participation to specific events and dissemination of newspapers


For more info:




Ufficio progetti - Sede Uisp Nazionale
L.go Nino Franchellucci, 73 00155 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.43984350 - 345 - 346
Fax: 06.43984320