

Sport in Prison, a Plan for the Future


Duration:  36 months – 1st  January 2020 – 31st  December 2022

Location: The project has a European scope and takes place in Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Nederland

Applicant/Coordinator: De Rode Antraciet (Belgium)


  • UISP APS – Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti (Italy)
  • VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
  • UPSDA – Sdrujenie Obedineni progesionalisti za ustoichivo razvitie (Bulgaria)
  • DJI – Dienst JustitiëInrichtingen (Nederland)
  • ACSW – Udruga za kreativni socijalni rad (Croatia)


Funding body: UE Eramsus + Sport Collaborative Partnership 2019



Throughout Europe, more than 1.500.000 people are imprisoned, and this population is different in terms of nationality, ethnicity, languages, mastered, age. In most countries/prisons there is not enough experience, knowledge or focus to develop good practices concerning sport programmes and linking them with society or the “outside world”. Previous research has shown that sport programmes within prison have several benefits for prisoners, the prison as an institution and society.

The SPPF consortium intends to provide every European countries and stakeholder with the necessary tools and procedures for developing good practices using sport in prison to make a bridge to other sectors in society.

Project wants to promote a more concrete connection between prison and outside involving services, sport clubs, and volunteers in order to develop a broad-based sport process. Actually there is no real connection and this is a missed opportunity.



The goal of SPPF project is to develop a European toolkit about the importance of good sport programme and the connection with the “outside world”, as well as formulating policy recommendations about this topic, by developing, testing and implementing learning areas in 5 European countries.

Consequent aim is to facilitate innovative partnership between prisons, prisoners, prison staff, volunteers, social partners and sport Federations, sport/social organisations and clubs and set up follow up trajectories outside the prison wall by providing “through the gate” support.

Finally, the project intends to give prisoners a voice within the SPPF, implementing lessons learned by previous project PAC - Prisoners Active Citizenship.



  • IO1 - State of art: identification of good practices across Europe by mapping of existing practices (review of the literature and online survey)
  • IO 2 - Learning/practice areas: creating, testing and implementing 10 different “plus sport” or “sport plus” programs in prison and follow up trajectories in society/outside of the walls (2 in each country)
  • IO 3 - Evaluation of learning/practice areas: monitoring the implementation through pre and post test, and focus group interview to prisoners, volunteers, and sport workers.
  • IO 4 - Toolkit: production of the first international good practice toolkit of “sport plus” and “plus sport” programs in a prison context
  • IO 5 - Policy Recommendations: production of advice and policy plan for future could be transferable in each country and prison to improve life condition of prisoners through sport
  • Organisation of 5 Multiplier sport events for the presentation of the results, the documents and the promote the toolkit and the recommendation among the stakeholders



  • Participation in 7 transnational meeting and organisation of one of this meeting in Italy
  • Contribution to research on the state of art: collecting materials and good practices, analyzing Uisp work in prisons, mapping the project realized in prison and in particular the building bridge actions for ex-prisoners
  • Organization of a meeting with Ministry of Justice, prisons directors and other relevant stakeholder
  • Coordinating the Intellectual Output 2 about learning and practice areas, together with DJI
  • Contribution to evaluation action fulfilling the test and realizing the focus group
  • Contribution to the elaboration of the toolkit and policy recommendations
  • Organization of 1 multiplier sport event in Italy



  • European report about state of art: list of crucial sources on theoretical concepts and good practices concerning sport programs with a link to society and possible follow up trajectories organized for ex-prisoners.
  • List of testing projects/learning area
  • A toolkit ready to use
  • Policy recommendation


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