

Social Cohesion through Accessible Learning Environments


Duration: 14 months: 1st April  2019 – 31st May 2020

Location: Lebanon - municipalities of Tall Bire and Bebnine, Province of  Akkar; municipality of Nabi Osmane, Province of Baalbek-Hermel.

Applicant / Coordinator : We World – GVC Onlus

Collaborations: Uisp – Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti


Funding body: Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development - HOPE program - health, protection and education for the most vulnerable groups among refugees and host communities in Lebanon, year 2019



The project aims to promote access to educational services and to the social inclusion of vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese children with special needs, guaranteeing adequate accessible and inclusive educational facilities and protected environments created through recreational / recreational actions that involve communities in the areas half.

The proposed action therefore aims to achieve the protection of minors by implementing and promoting actions of social inclusion and knowledge of the other. The implementation of sporting and recreational activities is planned, as well as awareness campaigns for the promotion of social inclusion and the protection of the most vulnerable children and actions for the promotion of active parenting, in order to guarantee a social aggregation of different groups present within the various school structures and, in the long term, social cohesion within the communities.

The action takes into consideration the gender differences, the previous vulnerabilities identified or reported by the school staff during the assessment carried out in the preliminary phase, and aims to promote the inclusion of children with physical-motor and / or mental disabilities, as well as refugee girls and children present in the territory, also allowing to identify those cases that have not been previously identified by the school staff and to ensure a listening space where necessary.



General Objective: To encourage access by the most vulnerable sections of the refugee population and host communities in Lebanon to quality educational services, in inclusive and protective educational environments.

Specific Objective: Improve the integration and protection of refugee and Lebanese pupils, those who are vulnerable and have special needs in school facilities in the governorates of Akkar and Baalbek-Hermel



  • Realization of infrastructural rehabilitation works and removal of architectural barriers in 3 public school buildings in the identified locations
  • Implementation of information and awareness-raising activities on the importance of education, on the risks associated with dropping out of school, and for the promotion of the inclusion of girls with special needs in formal education
  • Creation and support of parents' committees and implementation of training activities on child protection and positive parenting
  • Implementation of sports and recreational activities for vulnerable girls in the identified areas, teachers of target schools and reference adults to promote inclusion and social cohesion, ensuring participation in inclusive processes of girls with special needs
  • Social communication campaign, awareness on the subject of acceptance of the different and protection of the most vulnerable people (particular reference to children with special needs)

Within the project Uisp provides experts and trainers for the realization of sports and recreational activities for vulnerable girls in the identified areas, teachers of target schools and reference adults to promote inclusion and social cohesion, ensuring participation in the inclusive processes of girls with special needs.



  • Accessibility, quality and reception of school facilities have improved
  • Inclusion, integration and protection are improved both in the school environment and in the environment familiar


For more informations:


Doc & Outputs
