


Duration:  24 months: 19January 2016 - 31 December 2017

Location: the project is at international scope. It has been developed in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Hungary, England, Scotland, Slovenia, Denmark.

Applicant / Coordinator:  BG Be Active (BGBA), Bulgaira. Organisation working in the field of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) promotion.

Project target: Children aged from 5-14 years (primary – or elementary – school education, differs across the European countries)


  • UISP (Italian Sport for all Association). Italy
  • ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association). Denmark
  • EUPEA (European Physical Education Association): is the organisation of the national Physical Education Associations in Europe, representing approx. 200.000 Physical Education teachers in 32 countries
  • WGI (Willibald Gebhardt Research Institute) is officially listed by the IOC as one of about 20 Olympic Study Centres around the world. Key activities are applied research in physical education/Olympic education, health and youth sports
  • Sport and Citizenship is the leading European think tank in the field of sport. Its activities also include the publication of a quarterly scientific journal which comes back every three month on a topic related to sport and to healthy lifestyles promotion
  • HSSF (Hungarian School Sport Federation) is a nationwide sport federation aiming to serve the goals of student sport
  • YST (Youth Sport Trust) is a UK-based charity devoted to changing the lives of young people through sport and physical activity. YST aims to use the power of sport and physical education to improve young people’s lives, making them healthier, happier and more successful
  • South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Ltd (SLLC) is a company limited by guarantee who exists for the public benefit by providing leisure and cultural opportunities to the citizens of Lanarkshire
  • Sport Union of Slovenia is a national sports organisation which unites numerous Slovene sports clubs and societies dealing with sport and recreation and physical education
  • DGI is a Danish gymnastics association who has been a strong advocate for a healthy, challenging and community-based sports environment


Funding body: EU Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership


The overall objective of the Active School Communities project is to build the capacity of community sport organisations to harness potential partnerships in the primary school setting for the promotion of sport and physical activity for healthy lifestyles and better learning outcomes.



  • To convert knowledge and experience from cross-sector stakeholders in HEPA promotion into a toolkit community sport organisations can use to work with teachers, local authorities, national governments – all of whom can have a significant influence on the target group’s (primary school children) access to health-enhancing physical activity. The toolkit would include a self-assessment tool for the organisations to gauge their capacities to work in these settings and identify areas for improvement.
  • To build the capacities of community sport organisations to deliver more effective initiatives in school settings by using the toolkit and to drive impact by advocating the value of their work to policy makers
  • To test the adaptability and viability of the toolkit to different national settings by trialing a pilot version in six European countries and arrive at a resource that can be rolled out Europe-wide
  • To foster interaction between the community sport, education and government sectors in order to establish more inclusive and cohesive networks of community stakeholders in HEPA promotion in Europe


The project developed several outputs, through the implementation of five work packages:

  • Work package 1 – WP1: Best practice and research overview; Toolkit development
  • Work package 2 - WP 2: Pilot implementation and process evaluation; Active School Communities Kit training and pilot delivery
  • Work package 3 – WP 3:  Dissemination
  • Work package 4 – WP 4: Advocacy. structured advocacy and agenda setting to support the general knowledge and perception of the potential of promoting sport and physical activity for healthy lifestyles.
  • Work package 5 – WP5: Project coordination


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